Early Education

Our learning daycare strongly works to develop the whole child; instead of teaching children single subjects or skill sets, we work hard to foster holistic child development from hard skills like reading to soft skills like social communication and empathy. Our learning center strives to create a safe, healthy environment to nurture your child and teach them fundamental skills such as motor development, manners and hygiene, self-esteem, and healthy relationships alongside traditional preschool skills such as vocabulary, writing, and math. Our daycare tries to tailor your child's learning experience so that it is appropriate for their age and needs, and we're committed to providing each child with the best possible early education experience. To learn more about our curriculum and philosophy, please don't hesitate to contact Olive Tree Learning Center today!
L: Sprinkles of fun on a hot day R: Everyday, is a good day to learn
Mixed Age Classrooms
"And in mixed-age classes, older children have opportunities to practice leadership skills and prosocial behaviors, like helping and sharing (Derscheid 1997;French et al. 1986). Mixed-age classrooms might also have the benefit of muddying age-based comparisons and competition between children – a good thing, I think – because there is likely to be a naturally wide range of skills and abilities within the class."
For more link: Mixed-Age Preschool: Benefits and Challenges
Results of experiments in which children worked in groups of three, either in same-age or mixed-age groups, have shown that in the latter, older children spontaneously facilitated other children's behavior. In a single-age triad, on the other hand, the same children spontaneously became domineering and tended to engage in one-upmanship.
When the same children dealt with identical kinds of tasks in same-age groups, there were more reports of bullying behavior. Other prosocial behaviors such as help-giving and sharing were more frequent in mixed-age groups. Turn taking was smoother, and there was greater social responsibility and sensitivity to others in mixed-age groups than in single-age groups (Chase & Doan, 1994).
For more link: https://www.ericdigests.org/1996-1/mixed.htm
As a result, the classroom with mixed age children actually results in more effective teaching, hence, creating better results. It may seem mixed age class may seem to favor the younger children. However, it’s the intangible leadership skills that the older child develops. Leadership has to be earned, comes with responsibility, and requires complex mental capabilities – understanding, relating, motivating, explaining, and doing what’s right. Such soft skills cannot be easily taught, but rather must be learned through one’s own experience. How often do children have the opportunity to constantly develop and hone their leadership skills? This type of interaction among mixed ages mirrors real life, and teaches all children how to hold different roles and interact with those of all ages.
For more link: 5 Unexpected Benefits of Mixed Age Montessori Classrooms
Please note, we are not a Montessori school however, this article applies.
"And in mixed-age classes, older children have opportunities to practice leadership skills and prosocial behaviors, like helping and sharing (Derscheid 1997;French et al. 1986). Mixed-age classrooms might also have the benefit of muddying age-based comparisons and competition between children – a good thing, I think – because there is likely to be a naturally wide range of skills and abilities within the class."
For more link: Mixed-Age Preschool: Benefits and Challenges
Results of experiments in which children worked in groups of three, either in same-age or mixed-age groups, have shown that in the latter, older children spontaneously facilitated other children's behavior. In a single-age triad, on the other hand, the same children spontaneously became domineering and tended to engage in one-upmanship.
When the same children dealt with identical kinds of tasks in same-age groups, there were more reports of bullying behavior. Other prosocial behaviors such as help-giving and sharing were more frequent in mixed-age groups. Turn taking was smoother, and there was greater social responsibility and sensitivity to others in mixed-age groups than in single-age groups (Chase & Doan, 1994).
For more link: https://www.ericdigests.org/1996-1/mixed.htm
As a result, the classroom with mixed age children actually results in more effective teaching, hence, creating better results. It may seem mixed age class may seem to favor the younger children. However, it’s the intangible leadership skills that the older child develops. Leadership has to be earned, comes with responsibility, and requires complex mental capabilities – understanding, relating, motivating, explaining, and doing what’s right. Such soft skills cannot be easily taught, but rather must be learned through one’s own experience. How often do children have the opportunity to constantly develop and hone their leadership skills? This type of interaction among mixed ages mirrors real life, and teaches all children how to hold different roles and interact with those of all ages.
For more link: 5 Unexpected Benefits of Mixed Age Montessori Classrooms
Please note, we are not a Montessori school however, this article applies.
L: Every summer has a story R: Sibling Love
Young Children
Olive Tree Learning Center specializes in dedicated, holistic childcare in our learning daycare.From teaching your children manners to singing the ABC's, our preschool prides itself on nurturing your child's naturally creative and expressive self through guided play. Our preschool has a small environment which allows our teachers to customize your child's curriculum to make sure they are always being challenged. Thus allowing the younger children to follow the older children's lead. They motivate to walk, speak, potty train, and to be gentle around babies. Older children learn leadership skills when interacting with younger children. Something you can not get in a class of same aged children. We provide a variety of indoor and outdoor activities that your child that your child can choose from, and integrate early childhood education and child development principles into many of the activities. Our daycare center is dedicated to helping your child reach important milestones in their development and encouraging their personal growth into confident, empathetic individuals. We'd love to talk with you about our childcare philosophy, so please don't hesitate to contact Olive Tree Learning Centers today!